Halloween 2022

Spooktober welcomed some new children from several different schools to camp, it was lovely to see them making new friends and engaging so well together.  Monday was Diwali so the children made diva lamps using clay, glitter and gems as well colouring a selection of mandalas.  We started our traditional pumpkin carving this went on for the course of the week so that every child that wanted to decorated or carved a pumpkin that they were able to take home with them, nothing went to waste as the seeds were then put in the school garden (keep an eye out in our gallery to see if they grow?)

The children spent a busy couple of days baking yummy cup cakes and Halloween shaped biscuits which they waited patiently to go cold before icing them ready to go home. 

We were fortunate with the weather and were able to spend some time out doors collecting nature, the children then made conker wreaths using garden wire, conkers and ribbon.  There was also all our usual independent activities table tennis, table football, small world play etc as well as arts and crafts these included scratch art, milk carton lanterns. 

I don't think I have seen so many scary faces when the children had their face painted on the Wednesday.  Our very busy week ended with a Halloween party where the children and staff dressed up, we played party games these included pass the parcel where every child won a prize and dance games.  The children enjoyed Halloween shaped sandwiches, oranges carved with pumpkin faces filled with jelly, crisps and squash. Everyone had a go at hitting the piñata before if finally broke covering the floor with confetti and treats for the children.

We would like to thank all the children that came to camp and hope you enjoy looking at some of the pictures we took.

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